Opera and Zarzuela Concert Series
Tribute to the Family Concert

We want to pay tribute to the family, and especially to all those who have gone really difficult times during the pandemic.
We are waiting for you in this warm place where we will sing well-known opera arias and duos from romanticism and belcanto to zarzuela romances.
Your donations and contributions are very highly appreciated.
Thank you so much!.
I Part
1. Ave Maria Leopolda by Puccini (Israel Lozano, tenor)
2. Ideale by Tosti (Lozano)
3. Oh mio babbino caro. Gianni Schicchi by Puccini (Darcy Monsalve, Soprano)
4. Recondita Armonia. Tosca by Puccini (Lozano)
5. Eccomi in lieta vesta. I Capuleti ed I Montecchi by Bellini (Monsalve)
6. Ch’ella mi creda. La Fanciulla del West by Puccini (Lozano)
7. Nocturne in d flat major for the left hand. op 9 no. 2 by Alexander Scriabin (Frank Conlon, Pianist)
8. Oh soave fanciulla. Boheme by Puccini (Monsalve & Lozano)
II Part
1. Caballero del alto plumero. Luisa Fernanda by Torroba (Monsalve & Lozano)
2. No puede ser . Tabernera del Puerto by Sorozabal (Lozano)
3. Tres horas antes del día. Petenera. La Marchenera by Moreno Torroba (Monsalve)
4. Te quiero morena. El trust de los tenorios by Serrano. Lozano)
5. Malagueña by Ernesto Lecuona (Conlon)
6. Mattinata by Leoncavallo (Lozano)
7. Torero quiero sé. El gato montés by Penella (Monsalve & Lozano)

Ideale by Tosti
Io ti seguii come’iride di pace
Lungo le vie del cielo;
Io ti seguii come un’amica face
De la notte nel velo.
E ti senti ne la luce, ne l’aria,
Nel profumo dei fiori;
E fu piena la stanza solitaria di te,
Dei tuoi splendori.
In te rapito,
Al suon de la tua voce
Lungamente sognai,
E de la terra ogni affanno, ogni croce
In quel giorno scordai.
Torna, caro ideal,
Torna un istante
A sorridermi ancora,
E a me risplenderà nel tuo sembiante
Una novell’aurora.
… Una novell’aurora.
Torna, caro ideal, torna, torna!
I followed you like a rainbow of peace
A long way across the sky;
I followed you like a friendly face
Of the night under a veil.
And you feel it in the light, in the air,
In the scent of the flowers;
And the solitary room was full of you,
Of your splendors.
Captivated by you,
By the sound of your voice
A long time I dreamed,
And all the worry of the earth, every cross
In that day is forgotten.
Return, beloved ideal,
Return for an instant.
Give me a smile again,
And to me the sparkle of your countenance
Will be a new dawn.
… A new dawn.
Oh mio babbino caro. Gianni Schicchi by Puccini
O mio babbino caro
Mi piace, è bello, bello
Vo’ andare in Porta Rossa
A comperar l’anello!
Sì, sì, ci voglio andare!
E se l’amassi indarno,
Andrei sul Ponte Vecchio,
Ma per buttarmi in Arno!
Mi struggo e mi tormento!
O Dio, vorrei morir!
Babbo, pietà, pietà!
Babbo, pietà, pietà!
Oh my dear papa
I like him, he is so handsome.
I want to go to Porta Rossa
To buy the ring!
Yes, yes, I want to go there!
And if my love were in vain,
I would go to the Ponte Vecchio
And throw myself in the Arno!
I am pining, I am tormented!
Oh God, I would want to die!
Father, have pity, have pity!
Father, have pity, have pity!
Recondita Armonia. Tosca by Puccini
Recondita armonia
di belleze diverse!…E bruna Floria,
l’ardente amante mia.
E te, beltade ignota, cinta di chiome bionde!
Tu azzuro hai l’occhio, Tosca ha l’occhio nero!
L’arte nel suo mistero
le diverse belleze insiem confonde:
ma nel ritrar costei
il mio solo pensiero,
ah! il mio solo pensier, sei tu,
Tosca, sei tu!
What strange and lovely harmony
of such different beauties! How dark is Floria,
this ardent love of mine.
And you, mysterious beauty, long blonde and flowing tresses,
how your eyes are sky blue, Tosca’s eyes are black-night.
Art, too, with it’s many mysteries,
blends all together such different beauties.
But though I paint another,
my only thought is you,
oh, my only thought is you,
Tosca, is you, is you!
Eccomi in lieta vesta. I Capuleti ed I Montecchi by Bellini
Behold me decked out
Like a victim on the altar. Oh if only I could
fall like a victim at the foot of the altar!
Oh nuptial torches,
so hated, so fateful,
ah! would that you were the tapes of my doom.
I burn, a blaze, a fire
all my torment.
In vain I call on the winds to cool me.
Where are you Romeo?
In what lands do you wander
Where, where shall I send them,
where my sighs where to?
Oh! How much time,
Oh! How often I beg you!
the sky weeps
with the passion of my waiting
And delude my desires!
To me the light of day
ah! is like the flash of your presence
ah! the air that winds around
is my longings.
Ch’ella mi creda. La Fanciulla del West by Puccini
Ch’ella mi creda
Ch’ella mi creda libero e lontano
sopra una nuova via di redenzione!…
Aspetterà ch’io torni…
E passeranno i giorni,
E passeranno i giorni,
ed io non tornerò…
ed io non tornerò…
Minnie, della mia vita mio solo fiore,
Minnie, che m’hai voluto tanto bene!…
Tanto bene!
Ah, tu della mia vita mio solo fior!
Let her believe
Let her believe me to be free and far away
on a new path of redemption! …
She will wait for me to come back…
And the days will go by.
and the days will go by,
and I shall not come back…
And I will not come back…
Minnie, my only flower in my life.
Minnie, who loved me so well! …
So well!
Ah, you of my life my only flower!
Oh soave fanciulla. Boheme by Puccini
O soave fanciulla, o dolce viso
di mite circonfuso alba lunar
in te, vivo ravviso
il sogno ch’io vorrei sempre sognar!
cingendo con le braccia Mimì
Fremon già nell’anima
le dolcezze estreme,
nel bacio freme amor!
La bacia
assai commossa
Ah! tu sol comandi, amor!…
cingendo colle braccia Mimì
Fremon già nell’anima
le dolcezze estreme.
quasi abbandonandosi
(Oh! come dolci scendono
le sue lusinghe al core…
tu sol comandi, amore!…)
Nel bacio freme amor!
bacia Mimì
No, per pietà!
Sei mia!
V’aspettan gli amici…
Già mi mandi via?
Vorrei dir… ma non oso…
con gentilezza
con graziosa furberia
Se venissi con voi?
Che?… Mimì?
Sarebbe così dolce restar qui.
C’è freddo fuori.
con grande abbandono
Vi starò vicina!…
E al ritorno?
Aiuta amorosamente Mimì a mettersi lo scialle
Dammi il braccio, mia piccina.
Dà il braccio a Rodolfo
Obbedisco, signor!
S’avviano sottobraccio alla porta d’uscita.
Che m’ami di’…
con abbandono
Io t’amo!
Amore !
Oh! lovely girl! Oh, sweet face
bathed in the soft moonlight.
I see in you the dream
I’d dream forever!
(Ah! Love, you rule alone!…)
Already I taste in spirit
The heights of tenderness!
(You rule alone, O Love!)
Already I taste in spirit
the heights of tenderness!
Love trembles in our kiss!
(How sweet his praises
enter my heart …
Love, you alone rule!)
Rodolfo kisses her.
No, please!
You’re mine!
Your friends are waiting.
You send me away already?
I daren’t say what I’d like …
Tell me.
If I came with you?
What? Mimi!
It would be so fine to stay here.
Outside it’s cold.
I’d be near you!
And when we come back?
Who knows?
Give me your arm, my dear …
Your servant, sir …
Tell me you love me!
I love you.
as they go out
Beloved! My love! My love!
Caballero del alto plumero. Luisa Fernanda by Torroba
“Caballero del alto plumero, ¿dónde camina tan pinturero? Los caminos que van a la gloria, son para andarlos con parsimonia”.
“Señorita que riega la albahaca, ¿cuántas hojitas tiene la mata? Me parece que pasan de ciento como las plumas de mi plumero”.
“Al pasar el caballero por la puerta del perdón, de los altísimos balconajes a sus pies cayó una flor. Y una dama le decía con graciosa y dulce voz: “Esa flor se me ha caído del rosal del corazón”.
“Una flor es el comienzo de un capítulo de amor. Señorita que riega la albahaca, si de atrevido no me tildara… yo al rosal acercarme quisiera, donde florecen rosas tan bellas”.
“Caballero del alto plumero es tan galante su atrevimiento que por mí no es difícil la empresa, puesto que tiene franca la puerta”.
“Al pasar el caballero por la puerta del jardín, va hechizado por los ojos que le miran desde allí. Va contento de su suerte y embriago del olor de esta rosa desprendida del rosal del corazón”.
“Una flor no es un billete para el juego del amor”.
“¡Sutil olor!”
“¡Tal vez fatal!”
“¡Digna es la flor!”
Carolina y Javier:
“¡De aquel rosal!”
“Gentleman with the tall duster, where does such a painter walk? The roads that lead to glory are to be walked slowly ”.
“Miss who waters the basil, how many leaves does the plant have? It seems to me that they spend a hundred as the feathers of my duster ”.
“As the knight passed through the door of forgiveness, a flower fell from the towering balconies at his feet. And a lady said to him with a graceful and sweet voice: “That flower has fallen from the rosebush of my heart.”
“A flower is the beginning of a chapter of love. Miss who waters the basil, if you didn’t call me daring … I would like to approach the rosebush, where such beautiful roses bloom ”.
“Gentleman with the high duster, his audacity is so gallant that the undertaking is not difficult for me, since the door is open.”
“As the knight passes through the garden gate, he is enchanted by the eyes that look at him from there. He is happy with his luck and intoxicated by the smell of this rose detached from the rosebush of the heart ”.
“A flower is not a ticket to the game of love.”
“Subtle smell!”
“Maybe fatal!”
“Worthy is the flower!”
Carolina and Javier:
“From that rosebush!”
No puede ser . Tabernera del Puerto by Sorozabal
¡No puede ser! Esa mujer es buena.
¡No puede ser una mujer malvada!
En su mirar, como una luz singular,
he visto que esa mujer es una desventurada.
No puede ser una vulgar sirena
que envenenó las horas de mi vida.
¡No puede ser! Porque la vi rezar,
porque la vi querer,
porque la vi llorar.
Los ojos que lloran no saben mentir;
las malas mujeres no miran así.
Temblando en sus ojos dos lágrimas vi
y a mí me ilusiona que tiemblen por mí,
que tiemblen por mí.
Viva luz de mi ilusión,
sé piadosa con mi amor,
porque no sé fingir,
porque no sé callar,
porque no sé vivir.
It cannot be so! This woman is good.
She cannot be a wicked woman!
In her look, like a strange light,
I’ve seen that this woman is unhappy.
She cannot be a cheap siren
who poisoned every moment of my life.
It cannot be so! Because I’ve seen her pray,
because I’ve seen her love,
because I’ve seen her cry!
Those eyes that cry don’t know how to lie.
Bad women do not look like that.
Gleaming in her eyes I saw two tears,
and my hope is they may gleam for me,
they may gleam for me.
Vivid light of my hopes
Be merciful with my love
Because I cannot pretend,
because I cannot be silent,
because I cannot live!